Google reanweb: Study budha book before you are too old to learn

Study budha book before you are too old to learn

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In this article, I would like to share with you the best website where you can learn about budha's speech.
Most of Cambodian people obey Buddhism. Buddhism is our old religion that our ancient pass to us. Buddish play very important role in society.He tell people to do good and honest to each other.

Hover, they see that most of Cambodian does not follow Buddhism correctly as Christianities do. Most young followers does not go to pagoda or every listen to Buddha's speech. They say how they survive if they follow Buddha rule at this age. Because Buddha does not allow to kill any lives or even act any false speech. In society, they need to kill some animal for food and for selling. Sometime they have to false speech for some small profit.

They say they obey and follow Buddha and only Buddha they obey, but not this time. "When I am old I will follow his rule", they said.

That's true. Buddha does not allow to kill any living or even false speech. So it is difficult to follow. If all people can do as Buddha rule, the world will have no evil,​ pain, depart, jealousy etc.People will live happily together.

If they follow since they are young enough to think. They will be able to learn well than the old followers do. As we see, the old followers just go to pagoda and pray and speak follow the monk without thinking what the meaning is.

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